My Brady Adventure at Roosevelt Field
By Christopher Mulcahy
Ever since I started watching the Brady Bunch reruns on TV I really liked Susan Olsen who played Cindy. Well since she did not appear in "A Very Brady Christmas" that made me feel sad. But I been having a major crush on her also have been writing letters to her since that. Well I felt a little disappointed when she was appearing in Manhattan for a migraine seminar on February 11, 1998 but my parents said I could not go, that got me really upset. Then I came across some news from Brady World saying a public appearance on Long Island. I was telling my mom about the appearance on Long Island, she said that she might take me. Well on May 5th 1998 my life would probably change. That day started after a long day of work then when I got home from work I reminded my mom about the Long Island Brady appearance. The Brady appearance was held at the Nickelodeon Store at the Roosevelt Field Shopping Center in Garden City which is about 30 minutes from where I live. So my mom drives me to Roosevelt Field we arrived at the mall around 6:15 their appearance was scheduled for 6:30 but they were running a little late due to the rain. When I headed towards the Nickelodeon store I noticed a line of fans waiting to see the Bradys. We waited in line for about 90 minutes but as I got closer I got a little jumpy. When I approached them I first met Florence Henderson, she shook my hand and I said hello to her she signed an autograph for me to take home. Sitting right next to Florence was Susan Olsen she shook my hand as well then I gave Susan a picture from "The Bradys" from which I had for 8 years unsigned. Susan signed the photo: "To Christopher Love Susan Olsen". After Susan signed the photo I talked to her for a little bit about me then I asked Susan to have a picture taken of me with her. After that I gave Susan a kiss, I was nervous about that. I did not get a chance to shake hands with Michael Lookinland & Christopher Knight. After I got out of the store I felt a lot better and my life really changed and I hope to see Susan again in the very near future.