Las Vegas Convention
By Ashley
I had the pleasure of meeting Susan Olsen on July 8, 2000! I attended a video software dealer's association convention in Las Vegas, & Susan was there to promote the release of Brady Bunch Home Movies on video & dvd! I was so excited when I saw her name on the list of celebrities that would be doing meet-&-greets! I got in line & it was so surreal to see her sitting there talking to people, I mean I'd just watched Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy 2 nights before! Anyways, finally it got my turn to meet her. She was SO nice. I sat down next to her & she signed a glossy pic of herself out to me & I told her about my love for the Brady Bunch. I told her how I'm an "allexpert" & that people send me emails with questions regarding the show. She was telling me how you could ask someone like Florence Henderson something & she wouldn't know the answer because she never watched the show. But Susan's mom used to have the re-runs on all the time so Susan would watch them & she knew all the Brady trivia. Then she told me how when she, Barry, Mike, & Chris went on Donny & Marie, everyone was turning to her for the answers during the Brady trivia game. We even both remembered the question about the cat named Pandora! Then I told her that she was the first cast member I'd met & how much it meant to me & she told me that if I met any of the cast, I would definitely like them. Then I told her how I'm in family of 3 girls & how my youngest sister likes Cindy, so she made an autograph out to my sister too. I took a bunch of pics & I'm going to look for a way to scan them. She was so nice & it was so great gabbing about the show with an actual cast member! It was a great day :)